Category: Summer Outfits

Patterned Patootie: Why You Can Totally Rock Printed Pants


I feel like there’s this stigma surrounding patterned pants…that only certain people can pull them off, or only stick-thin girls can wear them. I’m here to tell you that’s BS! I absolutely love wearing printed pants, and they add so much spice and personality to your wardrobe. That’s why I’m rounding up a bunch of old outfits with patterned bottoms. If you haven’t tried patterned pants yet, then you’re really missing out! Continue reading “Patterned Patootie: Why You Can Totally Rock Printed Pants”

The Woes of Shopping


On Friday of last week, after taking my last final, I drove over to the mall to try and find a spring dress to wear to graduation the next day (talk about procrastinating, I know). I was extremely disappointed that I didn’t find anything after 3 hours and over 5 stores. Can you believe that?! Today I wanted to share with you the three major issues I faced while shopping. I’m curious if you have the same problems, and I like to “keep it real” by sharing my fashion-related dilemmas. 🙂 Continue reading “The Woes of Shopping”

My Summer Plans


Memorial Day always feels like the start of summer, with warmer weather, BBQs and yummy foods, and schools getting out (or almost out). People have been asking me for weeks and weeks, “What are your summer plans?” And the truth is, I don’t know yet! I’ve been so busy with school, AP tests, finals, and more school, that I’ve hardly even thought about summer. But now it’s upon us, and this blog post is forcing me to finally plan it out. 🙂 Continue reading “My Summer Plans”