Category: College

Study Abroad Semester in Review


For all my talk about study abroad, I realized I never went in-depth about the classes I took and what I learned. So, like I’ve done for some of my quarters at the University of Denver, I wanted to share a little recap about the four classes I took at the University of Glasgow and what I learned in each. If you read my blog post about differences in education between the U.S. and Scotland, then you probably already know I was a little disappointed with the academic aspect of my study abroad experience. Regardless, I still managed to learn (and make!) some interesting things!  Continue reading “Study Abroad Semester in Review”

Differences in Education Between Scotland and the U.S.


Well, I waited so dang long to post the rest of my study abroad content that it has now become back-to-school content instead… I guess it works, considering most of the outfits I wore in Scotland were more suited for fall, anyway! Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the differences in education I received abroad compared to my home university in the States. For those of you who don’t know, I spent my final semester studying at the University of Glasgow (GU) in Scotland, and I attended the University of Denver (DU) for the other three and a half years of undergrad. I can really only speak on the two schools I attended, but I was fascinated to realize there were a lot more differences between my host and home universities’ academics than I expected.  Continue reading “Differences in Education Between Scotland and the U.S.”

What I Miss From Home


With only a few days left in Glasgow, I wanted to share a quick blog post about some of the little things I miss from home and the U.S. more generally (and what I will miss from Scotland once I leave). It’s bittersweet to be flying back so soon and to be saying goodbye to all the friends I’ve made here, but there are also a few things I’m so excited to have again once I get back to the States! In no particular order, here is a ranty list of what I have missed from home these past four months… aside from friends and family, of course (that’s a given). Continue reading “What I Miss From Home”