Category: College

Everything You Need to Rock Your First Day Back at School

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Usually by the end of the summer, I’m more than willing to go back to school. It’s not the long grueling math assignments or the shrill chirping of my alarm clock that I miss; rather, I long to see my friends, to have a real schedule (sitting on the couch all day binge-watching Netflix can get a bit exhausting, after all), and most importantly, to get dressed every day. I’m not ashamed to admit that I live in either athletic clothes or loungewear the entire summer, so the return of school grants me a real excuse to play dress-up again.

But with that return comes a series of stresses, especially the first day back. What will I wear? What if I can’t find a seat in the cafeteria? What if my armpits are noticeably really smelly? I can speak about that last scenario from experience, but thankfully I came to the first day of school prepared. And here are ­­three ways you can be prepared too—time to rock that first day back! Continue reading “Everything You Need to Rock Your First Day Back at School”

To Pack or Not to Pack? The Struggles of College Dorm Living as a Fashionista

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For many of us, the excitement of college lies just around the corner…as in, less than two weeks around the corner (yay!). But before the rush of trying new things, meeting new people, and exploring a topic of interest, the first test of college is the stress and difficulty of packing. That’s right. There’s no secret that dorms are small, with even smaller closet space. So you have to find some way to decide which of your beloved clothing items you can take and which will suffer the lonely fate of being left behind. Oh, what is a fashionista to do?! Continue reading “To Pack or Not to Pack? The Struggles of College Dorm Living as a Fashionista”