My Favorite Place to Buy Shorts



I don’t know about you, but shopping for shorts can be a total pain. It often seems like the only options are to have half your butt-cheeks hangin’ out (did you see my complaint about the shorts in Monday’s post?) or to have shorts down to your knees. No, I don’t think anyone needs to see booty, but my style is also not ‘mature’ enough to warrant wearing Bermuda shorts, even though long shorts are becoming trendy this summer. Ya’ feel the struggle?


This is why I have recently decided that my new favorite place to buy shorts is Loft (or the cheap woman’s version, Loft Outlet). There is this magical little thing called a 4-inch inseam, which is otherwise known as the Goldilocks of shorts—not too short, not too long, just right. And the best part? The majority of Loft and Loft Outlet’s (herein referred to collectively as ‘Loft’) shorts styles come in the 4-inch inseam. So not only does the brand carry super cute styles, but they also sell the majority of their shorts in a length that is oh-so right. Woohoo!


Today’s olive green, eyelet shorts were my first purchase from Loft, and they are still my favorite pair of shorts. The color is surprisingly versatile, and the eyelet adds a fun, summery detail. They also fit really well in my waist! My second major issue with shorts is that they’re often too tight in the booty but too loose in the waist. While this is a common problem for women while shopping for shorts, pants, and pencil skirts, I feel like the issue is exacerbated with shorts for some reason. Not even Loft’s shorts are perfect in this department, but they fit my waist AND booty a heck of a lot better than some of my other shorts.

I love the 4-inch inseam so much that I have completely stopped shaving my legs above that point, and you may have noticed that what little tan I have on my legs is cut off at the 4-inch mark. Coincidence? I think not.


I paired these stylish olive shorts with a simple white tee (knotted to add a little pizzazz), my go-to brown sandals, my favorite dainty gold necklace for summer, and this new leopard circle purse. The purse just came in the mail yesterday, before taking these photos, as a freebee from DSW (I guess you could say my mom and I buy a lot of shoes from there). I linked the exact purse in the widget at the end of this post, but I would never pay $30 for it—it’s kind of on the cheap side. But for free? Obviously I’m not going to turn that down, so I thought I’d link the purse anyway in case you’re interested and want to wait for it to go on sale. It is still cute, after all.


Speaking of sales… Loft can be expensive. But, like all of the shopping I do, I almost exclusively purchase items that are marked down. Below I rounded up some of my favorite Loft shorts available right now (all in the 4-inch inseam, of course), and several of them are on sale! I love that Loft sells such a variety of shorts—my favorite soft loungewear kind, paper-bag waist styles, dressier shorts… They even have navy polka dot shorts! While not from Loft, you guys know how I love my own navy polka dot shorts (styled here, here, and here).

No, Loft did not sponsor this post. Nor do I make any sort of money off of these links. (To be honest, I really think Loft should sponsor me, considering I’m basically a walking advertisement at this point.) But regardless, the point is that I love their shorts, and I wanted to share this with any of you who also struggle with shorts shopping.


Do you have a hard time finding shorts that fit, like me? Where do you like to purchase your shorts? And for all of you who are thinking, “Screw shorts, I can never find a pair that fits,” I wrote a post a few years ago called 5 Alternatives to Shorts that you might like.

I hope you all are having a great Thursday! Isn’t the lavender in these pics super pretty? It bloomed so much since I last took photos here for my loungewear post. In other news, I have sooooo much to do but I’m kinda thinking of channeling Bruno Mars and laying in bed all day “’cause today I don’t feel like doing anything.” What do you think, should I blow off my to-do list? We shall see, we shall see…


Miles of smiles,



White Tee: JCPenney, $9 // Green Eyelet Shorts: Loft Outlet, $25 // Brown Sandals: DSW, $19 // Leopard Purse: DSW, free with purchase // Aviator Sunglasses: Icing, $16

28 comments on “My Favorite Place to Buy Shorts”

  1. I like the 4 and 5 in length. My shorts are from Target and Old Navy. Did you catch the Loft sale earlier this week? I stocked up on sweaters for this fall plus a cute yellow tank and a pair of cargo panta. The best thing is that I had a gift card to use so no out of pocket money!! Cute outfit you put together here. My look half the week is a tee and shorts and sandals.

    1. Oooh that’s so exciting! Can’t believe I missed out! Yes, my summer uniform seems to be tees and shorts. Target has been having some seriously cute shorts lately, too!

  2. I battle with shorts EVERY year. They’re either too short, too long, uncomfortable or just plain ugly. 😂 I really love the pair you’re wearing here though! They’re the perfect length and are super cute. Also, Loft should absolutely sponsor you!

    1. Haha, thanks so much Meghan! I totally agree, finding good shorts are such a struggle. Hope you’re having a great day!

  3. After these years of shopping, I have never found one pair of half decent shorts! I love your outfit and the pretty background you are using for your photos, Grace! Thanks for sharing and have a good day 😀 Aiva

    1. Thanks so much, Aiva! I know, shorts are such a pain… But the lavender smells amazing!

  4. Oh, I know. I feel you on that one!!! I like mid-thigh at my age (42!), but it is so hard to find that… so I land up with pairs much shorter than I’d like since I don’t like the bermuda/longer ones! I love eyelet during the summer, I have a similar pair of shorts in navy!


    1. I used to try to find mid-thigh shorts too but I finally just gave up on that, haha. While the 4-inch are still short, I like that they’re long enough to cover everything AND be comfortable. And eyelet is always the cutest!!

  5. I love LOFT too. They are my favorite places to shop for especially when they have a warehouse sale or 70% off their new pieces. I love the eyelet detail of this pair of shorts you own. They absolutely look great on you and those sunnies are so fun too! You look so cute – rock on girlie!

    Maureen |

    1. Thanks so much, Rosy! I was supposed to study abroad at the University of Glasgow this fall. Sadly that’s been cancelled due to the pandemic, but I hope I’ll be able to go to Scotland my senior year instead!

  6. Those green shorts are so cute on you and I like your knotted tee! My usual go-to denim brand sells shorts in bermuda, longer length and hot short length so it’s good to get a variety. Being petite I don’t find a lot of shorts too short, but that also may be helped along by the fact that when it’s the height of summer and over 40 degrees C everyone is wearing hot short length shorts, haha!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂

    1. Haha good point Mica! That’s what my mom said to me – “The shorts are the perfect length because YOU’RE short” haha. Hope you’re having a great weekend, too!

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