Category: Lifestyle

24 Hours in a Day and Only One to Be Upset

hot pink blazer, skinny jeans, white mules

Let’s get real for a moment guys, let’s bring it down a notch…There are some sucky things out there that have the potential to ruin your day. Maybe you spill mustard all over your favorite white blouse (and know it’s going to stain). Maybe you get a bad grade on that big assignment you were worried about. Maybe people in your group project or at work are lazy bums who never do anything but take all the credit. OR MAYBE you go out of your way to do something nice for someone else (i.e. wait extra long to hold the door open) and they don’t even say thank you! (Talk about my pet peeve!!). Let me tell ya’, I have had some frustrating moments these past two days. BUT that’s all they should’ve been—just moments. Far too often I let one little annoying thing ruin my whole day and you know what? I’m done with it! It’s just plain wasteful. Continue reading “24 Hours in a Day and Only One to Be Upset”

Surviving School in the Spring

how to find motivation to finish the school year strong

It may be cliché, but I’m going to say it anyway: It’s that time of year again…

You know, the time when everyone returns from an amazing spring break and gets slapped in the face when they realize they are not, in fact, on summer vacation yet, and there’s still a few months of school remaining before freedom. Yeah, you know the feeling. Flowers start to bloom, the weather warms up, and all we want to do is bask lazily in the sunshine instead of stay cooped up indoors, studying. I think the eye roll in the photo above says it all! As a student, staying motivated during the spring—the “home stretch” between spring break and summer vacation—can be a really difficult task. That’s why I’m sharing some tips today to help you power through and maintain a little motivation to survive until summer break. Continue reading “Surviving School in the Spring”