Weekly Recap #9, 2022


Last week was SO busy! But I had a lot of really fun events going on and quite a few cute outfits, if I do say so myself… I’m really feeling the pressure of how little time I have left in Scotland, so I made sure to check off a few of the items on my Glasgow bucket list this week. It certainly helped that the weather was gorgeous for multiple days in a row! This is probably the most sunshine I have seen since I’ve been here. Continue reading “Weekly Recap #9, 2022”

Weekly Recap #8, 2022


This past week was kind of an odd one! I spent Sunday of the previous week, Monday, and Tuesday quarantining in my flat after being exposed to Covid-19 by a couple of people. Per the rules, I didn’t have to quarantine at all because I am fully vaccinated, but I decided to play it safe just in case. Thankfully, I never tested positive! The week was also unusual because on Monday, I finally got a flat-mate, and my classes Monday and Tuesday were cancelled due to a teacher’s strike on campus. Then I spent the weekend away at the Isle of Skye, hence why I am posting my weekly recap a day late today. So yah, kind of all over the place last week! Continue reading “Weekly Recap #8, 2022”

Weekly Recap #6, 2022


Beach day in Scotland! I snapped the above photo yesterday while on an East Coast tour to Aberdeen (more on that in tomorrow’s blog post). Since I grew up in Washington state around the Puget Sound, I love being by the water and find so much peace in it. A little relaxation by the North Sea was the perfect way to recharge after a long week—one I am now realizing involved an unusually high amount of dancing! No complaints here. Continue reading “Weekly Recap #6, 2022”