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A Love Letter to You

Dear [insert your name here],


I love you…

No, I love you more.

On this day of affection and loneliness and celebration and heartache, I want to tell you a story. A story of a little girl who once played freely and shined in her colorful outfits and never gave two shits about the knots that tangled her hair. She ate Fun Dip at her class Valentine’s Day party and proudly displayed her blue tongue for the world to see. The same girl that ran…skipped…laughed…played, free from the constraints that would soon plague her.

Spoiler alert: that girl was you.

But with age, your carefree demeanor started to shift. Your brightly shining outfits began to dim, ever so slightly, as the shadows of self-doubt slowly crept through the seams. Your blue tongue, once like a trophy to display your sugary conquests, retreated from the outside world and took with it your tenacity for an unapologetic personality.

What caused this monumental transformation? At what point did you start to look in the mirror and not see a girl staring back, but instead only an accumulation of flaws? Society loves to tell you that you are not enough, and the worst part is that you started to listen.

But I’m here to tell you they’re wrong.

I am writing this love letter to you because you deserve to be loved. It’s as simple as that. No matter how society treats you, no matter what the devil on your back whispers into your ear when you’re looking in the mirror, I’m here to shout from the rooftops, I love you.

Don’t feel disappointed today if you don’t receive flowers from a secret admirer. I am your secret admirer, only I can’t keep it a secret—why would I want to?! You are BEAUTIFUL and FIERCE and KIND and a total BADASS and the world should know it. You should know it.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for so-called lovers and couples. YOU are a lover, I am a lover…the two of us can be called a couple if you prefer. I want you to celebrate today regardless of your relationship status because you are worth celebrating. And so is everyone else you hold special in your life—family members, your girl gang, even strangers who could use a little extra kindness. Give them a shout-out. You don’t have to be IN love TO love.

So if you are tempted to feel lonely today…or anything less than amazing, just don’t. Remember that having a partner does not make you whole. You do that all on your own. And remember that girl who used to love Valentine’s day because of the parties and cupcakes and candy, before society told her she should feel worthless for being alone. You are not alone. Who you are is not determined by who you kiss. You are MAGNIFICENT, whether you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, or yourself to celebrate today.

Look in the mirror this morning. For once, don’t focus on what’s wrong. Focus on all the beautiful things that are right—there are far more than you often realize. And to you, I say this:

I love your fearlessness.

I love your passion.

I love your giggles, the way you smile, the little noises you make when you’re excited.

Most of all, I love your independence—because nobody else can grant you all the things you love about yourself. Only you can do that.

So sit down for a few minutes today and celebrate. Pull out your best coffee mugs and make your favorite drink. Tell yourself, “I love you.” Then respond with a, “I love you more.

Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.



[insert your name here]


Red Textured Blouse: Liz Claiborne via JCPenney, $18 // Black Corduroy Skirt: Francesca’s, $35 // Black Wavy Sandals: Macy’s, $28 // Black Fringe Purse: unknown, $50

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