Weekly Recap #10, 2024



I’m not typically one for selfies but I needed a cover photo for today’s blog post and wanted to show off the gorgeous spring day we had here in Denver! The sky was bright blue (color not edited) without a cloud in site. Those first spring days always bring me so much joy. Anyway, I made it a goal this week to style pieces that have a high cost per wear so I could try to get those down. I didn’t end up wearing something every day, but I enjoyed the challenge of reaching for a few of the pieces in my closet that I don’t style as often.


Monday, March 4

I started my morning (and week) off right with a long walk before work. I was especially grateful for my work-from-home flexibility today after two weeks of travel, as I had a lot of laundry and house chores to catch up on. I absolutely love how this neutral, casual outfit came together and I wish I had worn it out! The shoes match the sweater perfectly.

Sweater: Clara Sunwoo, gifted by brand, $149 ($21.29 per wear), last worn here | Bootcut Jeans: Express, $24 ($3.43 per wear) | Boots: Portland Leather, $95 ($31.67 per wear), last worn here


Tuesday, March 5

I liked the combination of yesterday’s sweater and boots so much that I decided to wear it again today! These boots are SO cute but unfortunately they’re not comfy at all—the right one keeps cutting off circulation to my toes. I’ve only worn them a few times though, so I’m hoping with more wears I can continue to break the shoes in. I just love the Chelsea style and color so I really hope they’ll work!

As for today’s pants, I have a handful of pants with pretty high costs per wear, but a lot of them aren’t work appropriate. I landed on these plaid pants today because I don’t wear them very often. I was surprised to realize the cost per wear isn’t bad despite not reaching for them that much.

Sweater: Clara Sunwoo, gifted by brand, $149 ($18.63 per wear), last worn here | Plaid Pants: Unknown, $40 ($1.82 per wear), last worn here | Boots: Portland Leather, $95 ($23.75 per wear), last worn here

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Wednesday, March 6

No outfit pic today—my company signed up for a group volunteer event this morning at Project Cure, which refurbishes donated medical supplies to give to developing countries that request them. We spent a couple of hours in the chilly warehouse so I just wore old jeans and a sweatshirt! It was weird seeing all my coworkers in normal clothes, ha.


Thursday, March 7

I woke up not feeling great so I stayed home today, pulling out these amazing pants from Cavender’s just for fun. Last time I paired them with a maroon mock-neck top, which was super cute, so this time I wanted to try them with this rust-colored sweater. I love the colors and look in concept, but the sweater is so oversized that I think it was a little too much fabric—would have looked much cuter if the sweater was cropped.

Sweater: Hand-me-down, last worn here | Bellbottoms: Cavender’s, $70 ($17.50 per wear) | Cowgirl Boots: Boot Barn, $180 ($13.85 per wear), last worn here

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Friday, March 8

It was so gloomy out that I didn’t really end up getting dressed or going anywhere—just a very quiet work from home day! In the evening my boyfriend and I watched Anatomy of a Fall, cramming in a few more Best Picture nominees before Sunday.


Saturday, March 9

My boyfriend and I spent the afternoon—yes, the whole afternoon—watching Killers of the Flower Moon. The acting was amazing but I thought the movie itself was so disjointed and hard to follow. In the evening, I went to a girls night at my friend’s apartment near University of Denver. It’s always so fun and nostalgic to go back to my alma mater! And the chatty girls night was much needed.

I tried to put together an outfit using pieces with high cost per wear, but most of the items I need to wear more often are a little fancier, and I really just wanted to be comfy for my casual girls night in. Hence, this tee that belonged to my mom in college and ripped jeans! At least I was still working towards my goal by wearing these booties again.

Tee: Hand-me-down | Jeans: Express, $15 ($0.48 per wear), last worn here | Boots: Portland Leather, $95 ($19.00 per wear), last worn here


Sunday, March 10

I had a lazy morning letting myself sleep in after the time change and then went for a nearly six mile walk in the beautiful weather. While I think workout sets are super cute, I never buy them for myself because when I go shopping, I’m always more drawn to fun dresses or going out clothes. This is the only matching workout set I have, which is from Target’s JoyLab line. I do really love it and wish I had more cute sets for motivation, but I end up just sticking to my college tees and running shorts instead.

Workout Set: JoyLab from Target | Trail Running Shoes: Altra from REI

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I’m writing today’s post while watching the Oscars—are you watching? I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it start to finish because I generally don’t really care, but my boyfriend and I made it a point to watch as many Best Picture nominated films as possible this year (got 8 out of 10). It’s exciting to watch when I actually know so many of the films! Unfortunately, he had a last minute business trip so I’m just watching by myself—but I got my popcorn and sangria so I’m enjoying myself. As always, thanks for stopping by today’s post!


Miles of smiles,

2 comments on “Weekly Recap #10, 2024”

  1. I’ve never bought myself a matching work out outfit either but I always think they are cute. Trying to get lots of things done today: it’s a Monday for sure and I am looking forward to hopefully a peaceful afternoon: we are getting new floors downstairs this week and the idea is stressing me out more than anything even though I will be glad when it is done.

    1. Ooh yes, housework seems so stressful! I hope it went well and that you’re enjoying your new floors!

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