Tag: Blogging Awards

2021 Recap: And the Award Goes To…


Happy New Year’s Eve! I’ve tried writing this post’s intro over and over again, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s really no way to start an end-of-year blog post without using at least one cliché phrase (such as “I can’t believe the year is already over!” or “What a year it’s been!”). No matter how many times I think these phrases, I will try to keep them to a minimum today… Anyway, I always love sharing these yearly recap posts to reflect on everything I accomplished in the last 12 months (and everything I did not, to learn what I could do differently next year). So without further ado, here are some milestones I reached this year, a few reflections, and most importantly, the award-style blog post that has become a New Year’s Eve tradition here at Graceful Rags. Peace out, 2021! Continue reading “2021 Recap: And the Award Goes To…”

2019 Recap: And the Award Goes To…

college life, college student, University of Minnesota, polka dots

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas yesterday, if you celebrated! I always find the day after Christmas to be rather disappointing… After all, the excitement and build-up is gone, and all the presents have been gifted and unwrapped. BUT, to combat the post-Christmas blues, I’m trying my best to keep myself super productive today, starting with publishing my annual New Year’s Eve blog post (albeit, a little early). I always post some sort of yearly recap on Graceful Rags—last year it was an outfit timeline—but this year I wanted to revisit what I did in 2017. That year, I shared stats about my blog, like Most Viewed Post from the Year and Most Commented Post, in the form of a celebrity award show, since the Golden Globes and the Oscars are right around the corner (Speaking of, who’s ready to see some crazy and beautiful gowns?!). For 2019, I wanted to host my Blogging Awards again and take a stroll—or should I say, a “scroll”?—down memory lane… So keep scrolling to see some of my best blog posts from 2019! Continue reading “2019 Recap: And the Award Goes To…”