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My Coronavirus Silver Linings

Hello again! Long time no see. I hate that I haven’t been able to post for the last 3 usual posting days (yikes, it’s been a long time since I was that absent from the blog), but with finals and having to suddenly move out of my dorm, I just didn’t get around to it. That doesn’t mean I don’t have tons of blog post ideas for the upcoming weeks, though! As I mentioned on Instagram the other day, it seems like the majority of people prefer to maintain a sense of normalcy during this trying time and continue to rely on their usual blogs/social media/pastimes to temporarily distract themselves from the news. With that said, I have decided to continue blogging like regular, but with an occasional—and temporary—coronavirus twist (more posts centered on being at home, etc.).

Taking out my corona-related anger through funny Snapchat filters.

For today’s post, I wanted to acknowledge that yes, the uncertainty of the times in which we live is very unsettling. Several college students, including myself, are extremely disappointed that the remainder of the school year will be taught online, meaning we are separated from our friends and have to be taught in a way that may hinder our capacity to learn. While the coronavirus has presented several disappointments and hardships, there is still a lot for which to be grateful—grateful that I have a home and family to which I am excited to return. Grateful that I am healthy. Grateful that my school has the ability to continue lessons in an online format. Grateful that I have internet connection to enable my continued learning (and Netflix binging, of course). There’s no denying that I spent a lot of time last week moping about the sucky-ness of this situation. However, I have since accepted that this is just the way things are for now, and we will get through it. As such, I wanted to share all of the personal silver linings I have discovered that have resulted from my being sent home from school for the rest of the academic year. My list is accompanied by a series of unglamorous photos taken over the past week and a half, amidst all this coronavirus craziness and the process of moving out of the dorms.

The last ‘real’ outfit I wore before packing up all my clothes.

Now that I have written my obligatory serious thoughts on the current pandemic, I am looking forward to instead trying to focus on the positives (and my otherwise insignificant obsession with clothes, fashion, and the like—distractions, ya know?). So without further ado, here are ­­­15 things, big and small, that make me excited to be home!

A very large box dedicated just to transporting my shoes. What possessed me to bring so many pairs to school?!
A different angle so you can really grasp the scale of said box o’ shoes.
Eating my mac’n’cheese straight out of the pot like a pig because my roommates already packed up their plates. But hey, at least I found a fork! And yes, I did eat all of it…
That’s a lot of stuff! (Mostly clothes/shoes, if I’m being honest.)
My last night in the good ol’ dorm room. Gonna miss this place!
Me celebrating a long journey home with the cutest lil’ bottle of Martinelli’s.

How are you holding up in this craziness? I’m always here if you need someone to talk to or just want to vent. If you read this post, please leave a comment of one silver lining that you’ve discovered amidst this crisis, or something for which you are grateful. Let’s work on spreading positivity and hope, not panic!

My current bedroom situation! Drowning in all my stuff. I’m dying to unpack, but I must…finish…finals…first. Ugh.

I hope this lil’ blog post helped shift your mindset, if only momentarily. Thinking of you all, and do your best to make the most of today! Talk soon!


Miles of smiles,


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