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Smoking Hot… Or Not? Ways to Stay Cool this Summer

The time of year has come that we usually start sacrificing style for comfort. I get it—it’s hot, you’re super sweaty, and you just want to lounge around all day and be lazy. Been there. Actually, that totally describes me right now. 🙂 But gone are the days that you have to sacrifice one over the other. Like that girl in the Old El Paso taco commercial who can’t decide between a hard shell and a soft shell, why not have both?

But how exactly can you have style and comfort in the sweltering heat? I’m so glad you asked. Here are six tips to answer that question.

Stick to looser styles so you don’t stick. I am oh too familiar with that feeling of sticking to your clothes on a hot day. Yuck! The best way to avoid this? Wear looser fabrics. Rather than a tight tank top (guilty—that’s what I’m wearing in these pictures) opt for a loose t-shirt or flowy cami to keep the breeze blowing. 😉

Pay attention to fabrics. Honestly, I am not a person who knows fabrics well. At all. Obviously, sweater-like materials are a big no-no, as are thicker fabrics. Wear airy things like chiffon, eyelet (got to love those little holes), or linen (a huge win and super comfy).

Wear light colors. Duh! Wearing black all the time will make you warmer. Just keep the color of your clothes in mind on those scorching hot days. Itching to wear that summery LBD? Save it for a cool night and reach for your pastel floral dress instead.

Accessorize. Stylish girls love to layer, but you can’t really layer in the summer without melting like the Wicked Witch. That’s why to stay the most fashionable gal around you have to accessorize. Accessorize like crazy. Layer on those bangles, rings, and dainty necklaces. Don’t forget cute sunglasses and a stylish purse with fringe, tassels, or pom poms. And of course, the shoes. Rock some sandals and strut your stuff.

Opt for dresses or maxi skirts. Similar to the first tip about looser fabrics, dresses and maxi anything feel so nice on your legs. They aren’t constricting at all and let your legs breathe, as opposed to pants or even some shorts. Get loose, twirl a bit, enjoy your flowy dress and the coolness it brings.

Wear your hair up. Wearing your hair in a bun or braid can keep you loads cooler since it prevents your hair from being on your back. Use this chance to experiment with new updos and cool braids!

Final tip: Be a total goof ball, like me! What are your best tips for beating the heat? I’d love to hear in the comments. 🙂


Miles of smiles,



P.S. I just realized I’m wearing the same shirt as in Friday’s post, just in a different color… whoops!


Shirt: Arizona via JCPenney, $11, last seen here // Skirt: Hope Ave, $35, last seen here // Shoes: Carlos Santana via DSW, $45, last seen here // Necklace: Charming Charlie

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