Tag: Polka Dots

My Complicated Relationship with Hand-Me-Downs


Let’s talk about hand-me-downs…Do you have older siblings? Or older friends that used to give you their used clothes? I have two older brothers, and growing up, it seemed like I never got any girl clothing items of my own. Instead, I always received “gifts” that consisted of old gross boy items. Obviously I did have some girl clothes, but it sure didn’t feel like it…and I loved being dramatic about how much I hated hand-me-downs. Sound familiar? Continue reading “My Complicated Relationship with Hand-Me-Downs”

New Year, Still New You?


Hey, remember a while back when we entered 2018? And everybody was all excited for the New Year and starting fresh? If you’re like most people, you probably set some sort of goal for the New Year or promised to keep up with some resolutions. Yeah…that happened. Somehow, it’s already May! This year has just flown by. But today I wanted to take a little time to remind you of the goals you set for yourself—how are you doing? Have you accomplished them yet? Continue reading “New Year, Still New You?”