Tag: Monthly Recap

December 2022 Month in Review


For once I can say that a month lasted so long. From Nashville to Boise with plenty of festive activities in between, it feels like December 1 was half a year ago, not just a couple of weeks. I had such a restful time back in Idaho with my family for Christmas, and while I’m excited to be in Denver again, I was also so sad to leave the good ole’ potato state. The goodbyes have been getting harder, not easier! Continue reading “December 2022 Month in Review”

November 2022 Month in Review


November is always one of my favorite months of the year (because of my birthday, duh) and this year was no exception. It’s hard to believe I’ve already made it another trip around the sun… 23 in all! Sheesh, how did that happen?! I started Graceful Rags when I was just 16, to put it into perspective. And the other day somebody asked me about an event in my life to which I responded, “Yah, that happened almost two decades ago.” Decades. Funny that I can even say that. I haven’t dreaded getting older just yet… In fact, I think I have really been thriving in adulthood. I always used to fantasize in college about the days when I wouldn’t have homework anymore and would be able to go do fun things after work. And now I’ve been doing just that—post-grad life has turned out to be everything I ever imagined!! Continue reading “November 2022 Month in Review”

September 2022 Month in Review


For once I can say that the month of September felt very long—not in a bad way, but Labor Day weekend feels like forever ago. I started September by hosting a friend from out of town and ended the month in Las Vegas celebrating my grandpa’s 90th birthday—with lots of blog posts, soccer games, and even a wedding in between. Like I mentioned in a recent post, I’m finally starting to feel settled into my post-grad routine. I’ve been cooking more, I hung my last decoration in my apartment Tuesday night, and I have a surprisingly busy social calendar. The only thing I still haven’t figured out quite yet is where exercise falls into my schedule—now that my soccer season has ended, I really need to get back into a workout routine!  Continue reading “September 2022 Month in Review”