Tag: Blogging Tips

Back with A Vengeance (Or Maybe Just a Lack of Direction)

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She livvvvvesss!” all of my followers cry dramatically, like I’m Frankenstein being shocked to life for the first time. Just kidding—while I’m not making that much of an entrance, I am fulfilling the promise made in my most recent post and returning from my blogging hiatus! July 4th marks the date I last hit the blue “Publish” button on the blog, and that’s the longest break I’ve taken in the 2 years of Graceful Rags’ existence. Here are a few things I learned in that time. Continue reading “Back with A Vengeance (Or Maybe Just a Lack of Direction)”

Why I Dislike Instagram (But Use It Anyways)

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I know, I know…You’re probably thinking, “But Grace, you’re constantly flooding my feed with annoying outfit pictures!” Haha, yes, this is true. But secretly, I strongly dislike Instagram, and here’s why. Continue reading “Why I Dislike Instagram (But Use It Anyways)”

Let’s Discuss: Backgrounds

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Y’ello! As you may have noticed on Instagram, I’m back now from my week-long blogging hiatus (all of last week’s posts were prescheduled). If you’ve been following Graceful Rags from the beginning, then you may have noticed a bit of a change in the content I write. I used to just put words down to match the pictures I posted; I would discuss the outfit I was wearing and different pieces. Now, I try to treat my blog as a high-end fashion magazine, with each post being a new article. Continue reading “Let’s Discuss: Backgrounds”