Tag: Blanket Scarf

November 2022 Month in Review


November is always one of my favorite months of the year (because of my birthday, duh) and this year was no exception. It’s hard to believe I’ve already made it another trip around the sun… 23 in all! Sheesh, how did that happen?! I started Graceful Rags when I was just 16, to put it into perspective. And the other day somebody asked me about an event in my life to which I responded, “Yah, that happened almost two decades ago.” Decades. Funny that I can even say that. I haven’t dreaded getting older just yet… In fact, I think I have really been thriving in adulthood. I always used to fantasize in college about the days when I wouldn’t have homework anymore and would be able to go do fun things after work. And now I’ve been doing just that—post-grad life has turned out to be everything I ever imagined!! Continue reading “November 2022 Month in Review”